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Election Overload Mode

Greetings All,
     As I write this, the parking lot of my church here in Perkasie, Pennsylvania, is full and hundreds of people are filing into the church to vote.  (Our church is the local voting station).  In fact, the ladies of the church made 4000 cookies and other baked goods to hand out at a table we set up with tracts and photos and literature about the church. For some it will be the only time of the year when their shadow darkens the doors of a church!
      My "thought" has nothing to do with the election this week.  I'm in what I would call "election overload mode" and kind of happy it will be over as of today!  It is adapted from a devotional by Mrs. Charles Cowman (she used that pen name in honor of her missionary husband who died in the Lord's service, at a relatively early age, while still on the field).  It is simple but something we need to be reminded of frequently in our age of shooting for big accomplishments quick.
    "God prepares us for the greater crusades of life by little commonplace acts of faithfulness.  Through the practice of common kindnesses God leads us to chivalrous tasks.  Little courtesies feed nobler reverences.  No person can despise smaller duties and do the larger duties well.  Our strength is sapped by small disobediences.  Our little discourtesies to one another impair our worship of God
     Thus the only way to live is by filling every moment with fidelity.  We are ready for anything when we have been faithful in everything.  'Because you are faithful in the least' -- that is the divine standard for moral and spiritual progress, and that is the road one must climb if they are to go on to great feats of service.  We cannot prepare to be good missionaries by doing our present work in a half-hearted way.  When every stone in life is 'well and truly laid' we are sure of a solid, holy temple in which the Lord will delight to dwell.  The quality of our greatness depends upon what we do with the little things God entrusts into our care."
                  With our hope placed firmly in Him,  Pastor Jeff
Dr. Jeffrey F. Evans

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