I trust everyone has been enjoying the warmer weather and the opportunities it offers to spend more time outside in God's creation.
I came across this "thought" in my reading today. It's by a Brit named David Watson (who died a few years back of cancer). I offer it to you as a wise word to those struggling with the tension between wanting Christ to be formed in us, and feeling like we must often stifle our our personality in order for that to happen. I trust it will be a blessing to you.
"We do not need to suppress our human personality to be like Christ. The desire to be 'hidden' in order that Christ may be seen, can lead to colourless Christian lives which will hardly commend the Author of Life or the abundant life that he promises to bring. The biblical record is that God has always worked through human personality, created, fashioned and inspired by His Spirit. See the strong and varied personalities of the apostles and prophets. See Moses striding down Mount Sinai to smash the golden calf to bits -- Moses who was known as the meekest man on the face of the earth. See Peter at Pentecost, or Paul on Mars Hill, or Philip at Samaria, or Stephen before the council.
As John Stott aptly writes: 'What Scripture lays upon us is the need for a proper combination of humility and humanity - the humility to let God be God, acknowledging that He alone can give sight to the blind and life to the dead, and the humanity to be ourselves as He has made us, not suppressing our individuality, but exercising our God-given gifts and offering ourselves to God as instruments of righteousness in His hand.'
Lord help me become more truly myself as you created me to be."
Have a great week, and until next time, may the fullness of God's grace rest upon you.
In the Service of the Gospel,
Pastor Jeff
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