Greetings All,
Today's 'thought' brings some needed clarity to a reality that is often misunderstood in Christian circles -- the presence, power, and evidence of a true work of the Holy Spirit and His power.

Today's 'thought' brings some needed clarity to a reality that is often misunderstood in Christian circles -- the presence, power, and evidence of a true work of the Holy Spirit and His power.

This selection comes to you from Richard Foster in an article entitled "The Marks of Spiritual Power."

As one who has personally seen spiritual power exercised by others with great love and humility, but also misused and mislabeled, Foster offers some helpful reminders. Enjoy.
Marks of Spiritual Power
"The power of the
flesh relies upon such things as proper pedigree, positions of status, and
connections among those in the power structure (Phil. 3:2-6). But Paul, you
see, had given up on the flesh. He said that he counted those things
as 'dung' for his sights were set on a greater power -- 'that I may know
Him and the power of His resurrection, and may share in His sufferings,
becoming like Him in His death...' (Phil. 3:10-11).
Now, when we see people
desperately striving for the 'dung' of human power we can be sure that they
know precious little of the 'power of His resurrection."
What then, are the marks of
this power that proceeds from God?
1.) Love is the first mark
of spiritual power (Rom. 5:5). Love demands that power be used for the good of
others. Notice Jesus' use of power -- the healing of the blind, the sick, the
maimed, the dumb, the leper, and many others... Notice in each case the
concern for the good of others, the motivation of love... Power for the
purpose of advancing reputations or inflating egos is not power motivated by
When God used Paul and
Barnabas to heal a cripple at Lystra, the astonished people tried to turn them
into Greek gods, but they tore their clothes and shouted out, 'We also are men,
just like you' (Acts 14:15). Many of us might not find the idea of deity status
so reprehensible. Think of the power over people we would have, and,
after all, we would use the power to such good ends! But power that is
used to advance reputations destroys the user, because with it we aspire to be
2.) The second mark of
spiritual power is humility. Humility is power under control. Nothing is more
dangerous than power in the service of arrogance. Power under the discipline of
humility is teachable (Acts 10:1-35, Acts 18:24-26, Galatians 2:11-21). Believe
me, this is no small matter. Many have been destroyed in their walk with God
simply because their power was not controlled by humility...
Power destroys when it is
not coupled with the spirit of humility. To really know the power of
God is to be keenly aware that we have done nothing more than receive a gift.
Gratitude, not pride, is our only appropriate response. The power is not ours,
though we are given the freedom to use it. When we truly walk with God, our
only desire is to use power in the service of Christ and
His kingdom.
3.) This leads to the third
mark of spiritual power -- self-limitation. The power that creates, refrains
from doing some things -- even good things -- out of respect for the
individual. Have you ever noticed the number of times that Jesus refused to use
He refused to dazzle people
by jumping off the pinnacle of the temple (Matt. 4:5). He rejected the
temptation to make more 'wonder bread' to validate His ministry (John
6:26). He refused to do many wonderful works in His own hometown because of the
unbelief of the people (Luke 4:16-27). He said no to the Pharisees' demand that
He give them a sign to prove He was the Messiah (Matt. 12:38). At His
arrest, Jesus reminded Peter that He could have summoned a whole army of angels
to his rescue, but He did not (Matt. 26:53). Paul said, 'Lay
hands suddenly on no man' (I Tim. 5:22 KJV)... Those who live and
move in God know that there is a time to withhold the hand of power just
as there is a time to use it.
4.) Joy is the fourth mark
of spiritual power. This is no grim-faced, dour effort. Far from it! To see the
kingdom of Christ break into the midst of darkness and depression is a
wonderful thing. As M. Scott Peck writes, 'The experience of spiritual
power is basically a joyful one.' ...
I hope you understand
that I am referring to something more profound than the bubbly 'joy' of
the superficial. The rich inner joy of spiritual power knows sorrow and is
acquainted with grief. Joy and grief often have a symbiotic relationship.
5.) Vulnerability is the
fifth mark of spiritual power. The power that comes from above is not filled
with bravado and bombast. It lacks the symbols of human authority; indeed, its
symbols are a manger and a cross. It is power that is not recognized as power.
It is a self-chosen position of meekness that to human eyes looks powerless...
The power from above leads from weakness, and is perfected in weakness (II Cor.
6.) The sixth mark
of spiritual power is submission. Jesus knew what it meant to submit to
the ways of God: 'The Son can do nothing of His own accord, but only what He
sees the Father doing; for whatever He does, that the Son does likewise' (John
5:19). As we learn to experience on a personal level this same kind of intimate
cooperation with the Father, we will enter more deeply into the meaning of true
power... We submit to Scripture to learn more perfectly the ways of God with
human beings. We submit to the Holy Spirit to learn the meaning of obedience.
We submit to the life of faith in order to understand the difference between
human power and divine power. 'Be subject to one another out of reverence
for Christ,' said Paul (Eph. 5:21)... When we submit to others, we have access
to their wisdom, their counsel, their rebuke, their encouragement... Human
power is power over someone, divine power has no such need to control..."
God's Spirit always works in conformity with God's
character. Therefore, when it claims to be exercised, yet is done to
sinful ends (self-exaltation, control, manipulation, etc.) we should
be cautious and question if it is truly being exercised at all -- or if it
is power of a different kind.
Let us pray that the power of God may fall upon His
people. And with it let us pray that these six marks (or fruits) of
divine power, which are so contrary to fleshly, human power, might
also attend it.
In the bonds of Christian Charity, Pastor Jeff