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Spring in the Heart

Greetings All,

     Today's thought comes to you once again from Charles Spurgeon -- a man who has rightly been called, "The Prince of Preachers."  He simply had a way with illustrations that many today (myself included) lack.
     Unfortunately, for this particular thought I do not have the name of the book I took it from. I merely came across it in a document stored in my computer files with no reference to the source. Sorry about that!
     Yet his words took me on a journey of remembrance back to my earliest days in Christ where I couldn't help but affirm a good part of what he says. Maybe it will do the same for you. And if so, maybe you could also pray the prayer I have added at the end. Enjoy.

"Spring in the Heart"
 "You have lost your first love..."  Rev. 2:4

     "In looking back upon the ‘springtime’ of my Christian walk, I sometimes think God blessed me then in a way in which I wish he would bless me now.
     An apple tree when loaded with apples is a very comely sight; but give me, for beauty, the apple tree in bloom.
The whole world does not present a more lovely sight than an apple blossom. Painters have declared that there is nothing in the whole world to excel it in beauty. Now, a full-grown Christian laden with fruit is a blessed sight, but still there is a blessedness, a peculiar blessedness about the young Christian in bloom.
     Let me just tell you what I think that blessedness is. You as a young believer have probably now a greater tenderness about sin than some professors who have known the Lord for years; they might wish that they felt your tenderness of conscience. You have now a graver sense of duty, and a more solemn fear of the neglect of it than some who have known the Lord for years; and you have a greater zeal than many. You are now doing your first works for God, and burning with your first love; nothing is too hot for you or too hard for you.
     To go to a sermon, now—no matter what weather it may be—seems to you to be an imperative necessity; you would go over hedge and ditch to hear the Word. But some who are of older growth want soft cushions to sit upon; they cannot stand in the aisle now as they used to do, everybody must be particularly polite when they come in, or they care not to worship at all."
      If you happen to remember those days, and in contrasting them with now, notice a significant difference, maybe you could join me in praying this prayer:
     "Lord, may we always remember the "springtime" of our walk with you. The zeal, the passion, the thirst, the longing, the willingness to sacrifice, our tenderness of conscience and remorse over even the slightest sin or disobedience. Our heartfelt desire to please you, and know you better, and share about you with others. And that stirring in our hearts where we yearned to be used by you to change this world -- regardless of the cost to us, the way people might view us, or the far off places it might take us.
     And let us not only remember those things, but with Mr. Spurgeon, let us hope for and earnestly desire that you might bless us once again with a greater portion of each one.  Even more so, let us not be passive, but remember the admonition you give to those who have lost their first love: "Repent and do the things we did at first."  Do this, we pray, as we also do our part -- for the glory of our Lord Jesus, whose zealous love for us never falters or fades or diminishes in its burning intensity. Amen."

With You in the Joy of Serving Jesus,  Pastor Jeff