Greetings All,
It was written from the prison cell into he had been cast in in 1648, in the Tower of London, for being true to Christ and his conscience at a time when many others willingly compromised their faith, and the truth, in order to keep their pastoral positions and possessions.
As Thomas Manton (a friend of Mr. Case) wrote: "To treat of afflictions when we ourselves flourish and abound in ease and plenty is more like the orator than the preacher, and the brain than the heart."
Case, then, writes
from the heart, not just the mind; from experience, not mere theory. He
lost his charge (church) and possessions, and thus he writes from the
perspective of one who learned these truths firsthand. I offer you six of
the insights he gained, hoping they will encourage you. For as Case
himself put it: "Discourses on affliction can never be out of
season..." Enjoy.
"The FIRST lesson God teaches us by affliction is to have compassion for those who are in a suffering condition. We are prone to be insensitive when we are at ease in Zion! This is partly out of the delicacy of self-love which makes us unwilling to sour our own sweet blessings with the bitter taste of a strangers' afflictions. For this very reason God brings a variety of afflictions and sorrows upon His children. He suffers them to be plundered, banished, imprisoned, or reduced to great extremities, that by their own experience they may learn to draw out their souls to the hungry, and to be able to say within themselves, "I know what it is to be plundered, starved or cast into prison"...
"The FIRST lesson God teaches us by affliction is to have compassion for those who are in a suffering condition. We are prone to be insensitive when we are at ease in Zion! This is partly out of the delicacy of self-love which makes us unwilling to sour our own sweet blessings with the bitter taste of a strangers' afflictions. For this very reason God brings a variety of afflictions and sorrows upon His children. He suffers them to be plundered, banished, imprisoned, or reduced to great extremities, that by their own experience they may learn to draw out their souls to the hungry, and to be able to say within themselves, "I know what it is to be plundered, starved or cast into prison"...
SECOND: Through
sufferings God teaches us to prize our outward mercies and comforts more, and
yet to dote upon them less. We need to be more thankful for them, and yet
less ensnared by them. We can undervalue our mercies even while we glut
ourselves with them. Behold, while men fill themselves with the mercies
of God, they can neglect the God who gave them. When God is most generous in
remembering us, we are often most ungrateful in forgetting Him. To enable us to
put a true value on the mercies that our foolish, unthankful hearts delight in,
God often takes them away, that we may learn to prize them by having to do
without them....
FOURTH: In affliction
we learn humility and meekness of spirit. God led Israel into the
wilderness to humble them. Pride is a disease that naturally runs in our veins,
and it is nourished by ease and prosperity. To tame this pride of spirit God
takes a believer into the house of correction, and puts his feet in the stocks,
and there teaches him to know himself (Deut. 8:3). A man by trouble comes
to know his own heart, which in prosperity he was a stranger to. He then
sees the weakness of his grace, and the strength of his corruption, and this
lays him in the dust... Truly when a man has learned this lesson, he is not far
from deliverance...
SIXTH: The school of
affliction teaches us to pray. He that has never prayed before will pray
in affliction... Affliction causes men to pray more frequently. God's
people are full of the spirit of prayer, and God draws it out by affliction...
In prosperity every trivial matter distracts us from prayer, but affliction
keeps us on our knees... In affliction we learn to pray more fervently and
FIFTEENTH: God teaches in
affliction the one thing that is necessary... Affliction reveals how much
we were mistaken about our "necessities." In our health,
strength, and liberty, we think this thing must be done, or that thing must be
done. We think riches necessary, honors necessary, large houses necessary...
and the like. But in the day of adversity when death looks us in the face, when
God causes the horrors of the grave, the dread of the last judgment, and the
terrors of eternity to pass before us, then we can put our mouths in the dust,
smite upon our breast and confess: "O how I have been mistaken! O
how I have fed upon ashes and deceived my heart. How I have made the
unimportant the main thing, and the main thing unimportant." In a
word, Christ alone is the one thing necessary and all other things, at best,
are maybe's (Philippians 3:8-9)...
TWENTY-FIRST: In the day of
affliction God reveals to the soul the fullness of Jesus Christ. There is
an infinite fullness in Jesus Christ. There never was a king anointed with such
power. There never was a prophet with such wisdom. There never was a priest
with such grace and righteousness. God gave Him the Spirit without limit (John
3:34). It is infinite fullness which fills Jesus Christ as Mediator, that we of
His fullness might receive grace for grace. But we do not always have a
capacity to receive or to see that fullness. The reason is that we fill
ourselves so much with the world in our prosperity. We seek the pleasures and
profits of the world, and have no room for Christ... The world glitters in our
eyes and there is no beauty in Him that we should desire Him (Is. 53:2).
We are very prone to love the world and be satisfied with earthly things
themselves, instead of these leading us to be more fitted to walk with
God. The greater our love for earthly things, the less our delight in
Jesus Christ. This is our sin and folly -- that we do not fear the
unlawful use of lawful things. We do not see the snare for us to be
encouraged to love earthly things in a way that only God should be loved. This
brings great reproach to Jesus Christ.
when God spreads sackcloth over all the beauty of the earthly, and by some
flashes of lightning strikes us blind to the world, then we can discover the
beauty and excellence of Christ. For His beauty infinitely transcends all the
beauty and excellence of the world. When the God of heaven has famished
all our gods on earth, and has starved us of our creature-comforts, in any way
whatsoever, then we can hunger after and taste the sweetness and the fullness
which is in Jesus Christ... Truly God sees it absolutely necessary to exercise
us with a severe discipline that He may endear our hearts to Jesus Christ, and
seclude us from the world, that we may study and know deeper of His
The book has over 40
things that God can teach us through affliction. I have listed only six (and
even those not in full). Should you desire to read the rest, it would be
well worth the time it would take to read this small (three inch by four inch),
short (122 page) booklet. For if you have not suffered, someone you know
has, or is, and the insights learned by Mr Case can help comfort and give hope
to all who may be afflicted.
In the Bonds of the
Gospel, Pastor Jeff