Today's "thought" is just that -- some food for thought as we in the United States gear up for an upcoming election.
At such times deep loyalties (and even friendships!) are often tested. Emotions tend to run high as political toes get stepped on. And because votes and political platforms are at stake, assertions are frequently made regarding the the religious/political origins of America -- including the assertion that: "America was founded as a Christian nation." Given the current state of affairs in America even the most ardent advocates of such a view are usually willing to acknowledge it doesn't even come close in our day -- though many still continue to suggest it was in the beginning. It's into that whole debate I offer this "thought." It is written by a man named Arno Froese and appeared as one of the articles in a journal called, "Midnight Call."
It will not end all the controversy concerning the degree to which Judaeo-Christian values influenced (or were included) in America's founding document in 1776, but it does offer many valid points for believers to consider. It was passed it on to me by a close friend, so apart from this one article I know little about the publication or its author. Yet I felt its content (at least the parts of it I have space to include) are worth being considered. Otherwise, amid our good intentions, we may declare or convey ideas that are not historically or biblically accurate. Enjoy.
The True Christian Nation
"But you are a chosen
people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness
and into His glorious light."
Christians, born-again of the Spirit of God, the above Scripture gives the
identity and task of the true Church on earth. We who believe have been
chosen before the foundation of the world (see Ephesians 1:4). We are a
royal priesthood. This seems a contradiction of definition. Royalty
represents rulership, priesthood deals exclusively with the things directed
toward God. We pray for the Church, for one another, and for those still
in darkness. That is our task. We are to demonstrate to the world, 'Him who has
called you out of darkness and into His glorious light."
it the true Christian nation. It has no headquarters, no elected leadership, no
home address, no telephone number, no email. This nation is not
identifiable with earthly terms. It is the Church of whom Jesus stated,
"I will build my church." He has been doing so through His
servants the world over, now, for about 2000 years. The Church continues to be
built on all five continents. They speak and understand thousands of different
languages, hold to diverse customs and cultures, but they nevertheless
constitute the holy nation -- the only real (multi-national!) Christian
nation... Particularly during the month of July when the founding of
the United States of America is celebrated, there is the extreme danger of
mixing our political identity with the holy nation, the Church of Jesus
Christ. James uses quite brutal language to illustrate the difference
between the world and the Church. "You adulterous people, don't you know
that friendship with the world is hatred toward God? Anyone who chooses to be a
friend of the world becomes an enemy of God" (James 4:4).
is the future of this country or, for that matter, any other country in the
world? There is none. It is hopeless. Second Peter 3:11-12 reads,
"Seeing then that all these things shall be destroyed, what kind of people
ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives as you look
forward to the day of God and speed its coming. That day will bring about the
destruction of the heavens by fire and the elements will melt in the
heat." The only hope is for those who have been born-again of the
Spirit of God, for the next verse reads: "But in keeping with his promise,
we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of
righteousness" (V. 13).
reading the Word of God, believing in it, and trusting in God's only provided
salvation --Jesus Christ -- our minds are continuously enlightened to the fact
that our residence on planet earth is temporary. We are reminded of the
so-called Holy Roman empire. They attempted to Christianize the whole world
under the rulership of the church. He is an example: "And if society is to
be healed now, in no other way can it be healed save by a return to Christian
life and Christian institutions. When a society is perishing, the
wholesome advice to give to those who would restore it is to recall it to the
principles from which it sprang." (The Great Encyclical Letters of Pope
Leo XIII, "Condition of the Working Classes." P. 225). Most
Christians would agree with that statement. But while it may be well meant and
noble, biblically speaking, it is fundamentally wrong. Why? Because the
Bible makes no provision for a Christian nation.
Al Dager states: "There is much speculation on the religious nature of the
United States of America as it was founded. Many Christians assert that the
United States was founded as a Christian nation, and therefore, it is not only
our right, but our duty, to reclaim it for God. But is America a
Christian nation in the true sense of the word? To call anything
"Christian," whether an individual or a nation, certain criteria must
be met. If we are speaking of an individual, the biblical requirements
are that he must be born again by the Spirit of God, understanding all that
this entails. Yet if we are speaking of a nation, its purpose must be
that of ministry in the name of Jesus Christ alone, without regard to any other
gods. Its primary charter must be the Bible, and all who hold positions of
authority must be individuals who meet the criteria necessary to call
themselves Christians (as stated above). A true Christian nation would be a
theocracy governed by God through His prophets. His law would reign supreme in
the hearts and minds of that nations founders, and all who founded the nation
would have to meet the criteria necessary to call themselves Christians.
Just as important, the nation would have to have been created in response to a
covenant initiated by God with those who founded it.
a point of information, the Pilgrims did not found the United States. They
founded a small colony that eventually got swallowed up by the states and the
newly formed federal government. The belief that the Mayflower Compact was the
basis for a Christian nation has caused many to attempt to reestablish what
never existed -- a Christian nation based upon Biblical precepts and founded
upon a covenant relationship with God. What is overlooked, however, is that the
Mayflower Compact reaffirmed loyalty to the King of England; its framers never
intended to found an independent state...
if the initiators of the Revolution had been Christians (and as he shows, there is
ample evidence to suggest that most were not. The group included a mixture of
Deists, a Humanist, and many Freemasons, with born-again Christians in the
extreme minority, though I do not have space to include all those details)... it was an unholy
alliance at best. Scripture tells us that God has made one nation of all:
the Church. It is the Church that is our "Christian nation,"
not the social and political institutions of the world (John 18:36).
can thank our heavenly Father that we enjoy the freedoms that this republic
grants us. But as citizens of Heaven, our allegiance if first to our
brethren in foreign countries. Otherwise, we may find ourselves killing true
Christians for political causes. We must be vigilant to the dangers of
becoming embroiled in political and social causes in the name of Christ, else
we will find ourselves unequally yoked, storing up for ourselves wood, hay, and
stubble, for the day of judgment."
As I said -- some
good points and ample food for serious consideration!
In the Service of
Jesus and His Holy Nation (the Church!), Pastor Jeff