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A Selection of Short Thoughts

Greetings All!

     Sometimes you can say a lot in very few words!  Therefore,  today, instead of one longer thought, I offer you many short thoughts -- all which struck me as worthy of sharing.  I trust one or more may hit home for you as well!   Enjoy!
     “Prosperity cannot be a proof of God’s favor, since it is what the devil promises to those who worship him.”
John Piper

     “When we deal seriously with our sins, God will deal gently with us.”
Charles Spurgeon

     “Evangelism must start with the holiness of God, the sinfulness of man, the demands of the law, and the eternal consequences of evil.”
Martin Lloyd-Jones
     “I frequently hear persons exhorted to give their hearts to Christ, which is a very proper exhortation. But that is not the Gospel. Salvation comes from something that Christ gives you, not something you give to Christ.  The giving of your heart to Christ follows after receiving from Christ the gift of eternal life by faith.”
Charles Spurgeon

“I’m just a nobody telling everybody about somebody who can save anybody.”

“Your personal testimony, however meaningful to you, is not the Gospel.”
R. C. Sproul
     “In our day it is considered worse to judge evil than to do evil.”
Os Guiness

     “Faith does not operate in the realm of the possible. There is no glory for God in that which is humanly possible.  Faith begins where man’s power ends.” 
George Muller

     “Worry is believing God will not get it right, and bitterness is believing God got it wrong.”
 Tim Keller
     “You will derive far more benefit from a single verse of Scripture read slowly and prayerfully and duly meditated on than you will from ten chapters read through quickly.”
A. W. Pink

     “I must listen to the gospel. It tells me not what I must do, but what Christ the Son of God has done for me.”
Martin Luther

     “If you are really saved, brethren, not a hair of your heads belongs to yourselves. Christ’s blood has either bought you or it has not. And if it has, then you are altogether Christ’s – every bit of you – and you are neither to eat nor drink, nor sleep, but for Christ.”
Charles Spurgeon
     “The doctrine of grace and redemption keeps us from seeing any person or situation as hopeless.”
Tim Keller

     “God has given me everything, forgiven me everything, promised me everything, and I lack nothing except the faith to believe it.” 
Martin Luther

     “The secret is Christ in me, not me in a different set of circumstances.”
Elisabeth Elliot

     “You have become blind when you see nothing wrong with something God has called sin.”

Many blessings in Christ, Pastor Jeff