This week's "thought" is the story of one man who met Jesus. It tells of the moment in that man's life when the "light went on," it all made sense, and by the Holy Spirit working through the Gospel he was made new. The man's name is Max Lucado, the well-known and best-selling author of many Christian books. As with many other believers, his conversion came at the most unexpected of times, in the most unexpected way, in a rather ordinary place, through a man of little or no renown. It's yet another confirmation that when God calls people to Himself, he often uses the most ordinary and unexpected of people to do so. And He does it that way to assure us that our salvation comes through the powerful message of the Gospel, applied to the heart and mind by the Spirit, and not as the result of the abilities, charisma, or persuasiveness of any earthly messenger. Enjoy.
Many believers can distinctly recall the events surrounding their conversion experience... "Do you remember yours? Where were you the night the door was opened? Do you remember the touch of the Father? Who walked with you the day you were set free? Can you still see the scene? Can you feel the road beneath your feet? I hope so. I hope that permanently planted in your soul is the moment the Father stirred you in the darkness and led you down the path. It's a memory like no other. For when he sets you free, you are free indeed.
describe well their hour of deliverance. Can I tell you mine? It was a
Bible class in a small West Texas town. I didn't know what was more remarkable,
that a teacher was trying to teach the book of Romans to a group of
ten-year-olds, or that I remember what he said. The classroom was
mid-sized, one of a dozen or so in a small church. My desk had carvings
on it and gum under it. Twenty or so others were in the room, though only four
or five were taken by the message. We all sat back, too sophisticated to
appear interested. Starched jeans. High top tennis shoes. It was
summer. The slow-setting sun cast the window in gold.
teacher is an earnest man. I can still see his flattop, his belly bulging
from beneath his coat that he didn't even try to button. His tie stops midway
down his chest. He has a black mole on his forehead, a soft voice, and a kind
smile. Though he is hopelessly out of touch with the kids of 1965, he doesn't
know it. His notes are stacked on a podium underneath a heavy black Bible. His
back is turned to us and his jacket goes up and down his belt-line as he writes
on the board. He speaks with genuine passion. He is not a dramatic man, but
tonight he is fervent.
only knows why I heard him that night. His text was Romans six. The blackboard
was littered with long words and diagrams. Somewhere in the process of
describing how Jesus went into the tomb and came back out, it happened. The
jewel of grace was lifted and turned and I could see it from a new angle... and
it stole my breath. I didn't see a moral code. I didn't see a church. I didn't
see ten commandments or hellish demons. I saw what one other ten-year-old in
that class -- Mary Barbour -- saw. I saw my Father enter my dark night,
awaken me from my slumber, and gently guide me -- no carry me -- to
I ask the same question Max Lucado started with: Do you remember your
conversion? Do you remember the time you were "awakened
from your slumber" (or more in keeping with Scripture, do you
remember when God "raised you to life when you were dead in
trespasses and sins" - Ephesians 2:1 / Ephesians 2:4-5 /
Colossians 2:13)? Have you since come to reflect and realize it was not
the doing of any person (including yourself), but the miraculous and
supernatural work of a gracious God softening a heart of stone and making it a
heart of flesh and tender toward Christ? A gift to one who could NEVER be
good enough, or worthy enough, to deserve it? Do you remember that event
in your life? Does the memory of it still stir your soul? Have you
every truly come to Christ and received new birth through the Spirit?
Jesus came, lived, died, rose, and is coming again, says Scripture. Do
you believe it? Has the Father entered into the darkness of your soul to
raise you to life and carry you to freedom? Oh, what a day that
was! Or for some others, oh what a day that will be...
the Bonds of Gospel Grace, Pastor Jeff